WYWS Issue #11 - Tribute

This is a small tribute to a few people that have been a part of our graffiti community for a long time.

This is the alternate cover of While You Were Sleeping, number 11. I’m pretty sure it was published in 2000.

I always loved this cover. Let’s just say that @rogergastman knew how to get peoples attention and bring them in. Once brought, the amount of content in each issue is staggering. WYWS cast a wide net across a number of burgeoning subcultures fron the Southern California area and beyond.

If you can get your hands on an issue you should probably do it. But this is not about the content, this is about some of the advertising.

GuerillaOne - Los Angeles, Ca

This is an ad for @guerillaone . Over 20 years ago. But @eddie.donaldson was part of graffiti long before that. As an original member of the TCF crew, he opened one of the earliest hip hop shops in Los Angeles, Oddspot 23 - on Ventura Blvd in Tarzana.
If you don’t know, now you know. And he’s been a part of this scene since the late 1980’s. Much respect!

Style dogs/Street Life - Escondido, Ca

This is an ad for Style Dogz Clothing Company. But @zanekingcade didn’t stop with his clothing line. Nope. He opened and shop in Escondido called Street life in 2000 which, over 20 years later, he still operates today. And he started painting way before that. He was already established when we first painted together in 1993. 🙏 I hold Zane in high regard.

Custom Printing - San Diego, Ca

The pimps of printing. @vaughnavakian and his crew were printing wheat paste posters for me back in the early 2000’s and probably the majority of club and event flyers in San Diego. He had that shit on lock. Custom printing was, as far as I know, the first shop to print flyers and posters for @theseventhletter . I might still have one somewhere but this had to be late 90s early 2000‘s.

Custom Printing - San Diego, CA

This was an ad for the record I was going to drop. That is, until I came to terms with how poorly produced it was! 😂 I had started recording songs in 1995 and was determined to put out an album that before my 30th birthday. Over 20 years ago I was trying to make my own unique version of hiphop music.

And now, once again... here we are, neck deep in art and music.