History - UCSD Electric Shop Yard ~1996 - February 2020

Tyke, 1996
Nyse’s Electric Shop Yard, UCSD
Tyke at NyseOne's Electric Shop Yard ~1996
A nice, compact, burner...

Over the years, I was lucky enough, persistent enough (relentless), and convincing enough to actually make a few walls and yards legal. This was the 5th one I made happen, the 2nd in San Diego.

Some incredible artists painted at this yard while it existed. The area had been condemned and the buildings that were previous there were torn down because they were polluted with toxins. So I was able to convince the powers that be at UCSD that adding spray paint to the mix was not gonna make the site any worse off.

I think we had that yard for about 18 months before they finally bulldozed it and turned it into a superfund site. 😂😂