1986 - The OZONE Days.

Ozone. 1986. Joel’s bedroom.

Ozone, 1986

Before I wrote Nyse, I had a number of different names. Ozone was the most noteworthy of those, as it it the name made me infamous. I was also the name I bore as I taught myself how to paint.

I searched via skateboard for places to practice, places I could actually take my time and not worried about getting arrested or jacked. Although at that time, getting jacked in the West Valley was not very likely because there were so few other writers. It was a suburban dream for the most part, far removed from the drama of LA proper with the exception of the traffic on the 101.

I painted a number of pieces in my room, my mom was really cool and supportive in that way although, with no face mask or respirator, I was blowing rainbows for days. This piece however was at my friends house @joel_mandl - not sure how he got his parents to let me paint his room, I I remember it got pretty cloudy in there!

In retrospect, one has to wonder how many days I shaved off my life, painting those pieces, sleeping in that bedroom as that Krylon off-gassed! 🤔🧐🧐🧐

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