1984. The beginning of the Ozone years

1984. “Peace” My bedroom. Ozone...
Earlier that year I had hit my first spray paint tag. I wrote “Stingray,” with a can of Standard Brands Black in the cafeteria at Parkman Junior High. I also painted the sidewalk at the end of my cul-de-sac, and one of my neighbors tried to beat me up. He was a big Israeli guy and he was pissed.

The third painting I ever did was this piece in my bedroom. My mom was pretty cool and let me do it and I blew rainbows out of my nose for like three days. Probably explains a lot!

I worked under the table at Taco Bell for three dollars an hour or so I could afford to buy spray paint. I stole a fair share of it as well, although I needed a way to explain all of my paint to my mom. So Taco Bell it was!